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Our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives continue, because we are aware that helping realities in our territory, and also outside our territory, is our responsibility that we are aware (and also proud and happy) to take on.

For this reason, in the first months of this 2022, which unfortunately did not start in the best way, we made two donations.

Donated € 1.000 to Ai.Bi. (Friends of the Children), which launched the Bambinixlapace (childrenforthepeace) campaign, conceived in the aftermath of the outbreak of the war in Ukraine to contribute to helping concretely Ukrainian children and families fleeing war. Thousands of refugees are now arriving in our country every day, and our donation aims to be a small brick to build, all together, a reception structure sufficient to mitigate this very serious humanitarian emergency.

And in addition to people, we also give our support to animals, also involved in the conflict, by donating another € 1.000 to LAV (italian anti-vivisection league).

LAV is working in these days to identify situations of need and therefore to help animals, both those accompanying refugees and those remaining in Ukraine, in contact with other local and international associations.

These are gestures that we feel we have to do: if we all give our contribution, be it small or large, we can do it once again.

In this regard, you can click here for all the information relating to the Bambinixlapace campaign, while by clicking here you can read the indications for supporting the LAV.