Immergiti nella nostra gamma di rilevatori di gas, termostati e strumenti di precisione Vai allo shop
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Unfortunately, the news continues to be full of news relating to people (or entire families) intoxicated by carbon monoxide.

If in the “best” situations the problem is solved with breathing difficulties and hospitalization for tests, in the worst the monoxide causes the death of unaware victims because the exhalations of this toxic gas are absolutely odorless and colorless. It is therefore impossible to detect a leak in the house, unless suitable detectors are installed in the house.

Our AmiCO is the perfect solution to increase the level of security within the home: a portable carbon monoxide detector 100% Made in Italy that does not require installation and can be moved anywhere in the home as needed. Despite its small size, it has a lot of technology inside, from the acoustic alarm (as many as 85 decibels at a distance of one meter), to the self-diagnosis of the sensor, from the display of the gas concentration on the LCD display to the warning even for low concentrations. of gas, equally dangerous.

Ensuring safety at home, for oneself and for the people closest to us, is always essential: if you are looking for a really useful Christmas gift, AmiCO could be an excellent choice.

It will make you sleep soundly, not just during the holidays.

Click here for more details on AmiCO.