Household Methane and Carbon Monoxide gas detector
The CHCO Detector has been designed and built to detect the presence of toxic and explosive gas as Methane and Carbon monoxide. A microprocessor is used to create a complete surveillance and control system with maximum flexibility.
The CHCO Detector can detect the presence of two gases.
The first gas detected is Methane, with trip sensitivity calibrated at 10% of L.E.L.
The second gas detected is Carbon Monoxide, when both the maximum CO admissible concentration threshold of 300ppm is exceeded, and when low CO concentrations persist in the environment for lengthy periods, which according to the principle of accumulation could also damage the human organism. The detector can activate solenoid valves, sirens, and any other signal or alarm handling devices using built-in
relays. A series of technical features make this detector extremely versatile, reliable, accurate, and safe
Power supply: 230/240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Power consumption: 1W
Alarm relay 1: Explosive gas exchange
Alarm relay 1: Exchange toxic gas
Gas sensor: ExplosiveCatalytic
Gas sensor: Toxic Electrochemistry
Explosive alarm: at 10% LIE
Toxic Alarm: Exponential from 30 ppm to 300 ppm
Protection degree: IP42
Installation: wall-mounted & 503 box
Dimensions: 115 x 150 x 50
Pack size: 120 x 168 x 60
Weight: 340 grams approx.
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